Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Long holidays and free music gigs***

WooHoo :) I love South African and I really love the homegrown bands that are dominating our music scene at the moment...
My younger brother is a huge fan of local bands and it is so awesome to be able to take him to gigs when I'm home from varsity... and this holiday is 5 weeks long, which means it should be a biggie! Its going to kick off with a great start at the St. Stithians Arts Festival and I can't wait... free gig, down the road from home = good times ahead!:)

Cant wait!!!

Ciao, Gezzie!x

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Exams? pffft... we're rhodents!!!

SO, totally went out for a bit tonight(for one drink, and one drink only!!!)... despite an impending exam tomorrow!!!
But hey, when claustrophobia kicks in ya gotta fight back....
K so now i cant afford anymore time wastage on blogging, definately time to hit the books!!!

Night ancient world ;)
Ciao, Gezzie! x


Sooooo I'm totally bored of studying, and the walls of my tiny little room in res are totally closing in on me....
And all day I've listening to Dizzee Rascal, which has just made me energetic and keen for a night out... But I've now used this as a new study mechanism ;)
I'm going to mission my studying for the rest of the night and tomorrow morning so that when I'm done with this paper at 5pm tomorrow I am ready for a *PaRtY* =)

If you need similar motivation, follow this link and enjoy ;)

Happy camp!!!
Ciao, Gezzie! x

ancient greeks and the youth of the nation

So today I'm spending the day in bed studying for my Classical Civilizations exam tomorrow.... Can u spell LAME?? lol :)

So, amongst the ancient wars, filled with dates impssoble to remember, and tonnes of naked statue pictures, I'm sure I'll have lots of time to pimp out my blog ;)

It's Youth Day in South Africa... On this day in 1976, thousands of high school kids marched in protest to Apartheid laws which were forcing them to learn in Afrikaans. They were marching, but they weren't being violent at all and when the police showed up and over-reacted things turned ugly. Shots were fired and being unarmed school kids, it's obvious why it turned into such a horrible scene!

These 'Soweto Uprisings' were the scene of Hector Pieterson's death (famous photo of his body being carried away by a kind stranger, his sister following in tears). Being a history student, I've learned alot about Apartheid and it doesn't matter how much you learn or how often you tell the stories... It gets sadder every single time!

So, in memory of Hector and thousands more who died for South Africa's freedom, lets celebrate this Youth Day by being grateful for democracy, however flawed, and remember how much worse off we could be! (think north koreans being caught up in nuclear weapon testing!?)

Ciao, Gezzie! x

Monday, June 15, 2009

Journalism and New Media

So, today I wrote my Journ exam paper for semester 1 of 2nd year.
And one of the sections we studied this term was New Media, and while I was studying with a group of friends we reminisced about last year and a blogging project we had to do... And we realised that actually we really missed those blogs and all th fun stuff they brought to our lives :)
So, this has inspired me to start a new blog and actually take the time to keep up with it, because blogging is cool and I should not neglect it!!!

Sweet, lets have some blogAlicious fun :)

Ciao, Gezzie! x